The days rolling by

What is today's date? The days seem to just roll on by for me lately. I have am doing many things and have many irons in many fires and I easily lose track of the date. I feel this is a good thing. I am not trudging through the days, but rather doing more of what I like and less of what I do not.
Last week was a kind of golden week. A combination of two holidays: the National Day holiday and Moon festival. I got the week off along with most workers and students in China. I should discuss the National Day holiday, but I really do not know what it is about. The Chinese Cultural History class I took in college only went as far as the late 1800's, so even today, I am still unclear about the many holidays and events in the New China.
The Moon Festival reminds me of Thanksgiving in the States. Its centers around the Autumn Equinox and Chinese Lunar calendar, when the moon is full and at its brightest. It's also a time for families to come together and eat lots of food. Especially sweets called Yuebing, or Mooncakes in English. I hear they come in all shapes, sizes and flavors, but I have yet to eat a Mooncake that I really liked. They remind me of how much I like Christmas fruit cakes. I wish Dairy Queen would come up with an Ice Cream Mooncake, that might win me over. There are Dairy Queen's in China. They are also usually cleaner and better looking than their American counterparts.
I spent the vacation doing an assortment of things. I proofread a 27,000 word Powerpoint presentation on next generation mobile phone technology for a translation company. That was following a 30,000 word proofreading assignment from the week before. It took me about two days and a half days to complete just one of them. But I was happy to do them as its money in my pocket.
I spent another day going to all the English language book stores in Beijing. I just wanted some books that I could read and improve myself. I bought "The Story of Philosophy" by Will Durant. I really like Durant's writing style and Philosophy has captured my attention the past couple of years. I also bought a text on College Algebra. That is a subject I have fought with for years and years. In some ways, my weakness in Math has held me back from doing some things I could have (i.e opportunities and careers) and put limits on my knowledge and learning. So, I bought the book in the hopes that I can study the topic on my own at my own pace and maybe make some breakthroughs. Finally, a small book called "Everyday Science". Its almost like reading a book for kids. Its about science in our everyday lives. How things work, from light to sound to heat and temperature, TVs radios, Air Conditioners, light bulbs and solar panels etc. I just want to know.
In the U.S., I always thought my income was not too shabby, but the cost of living was high compared to my income. Here is China, my income and cost of living gap is much bigger.
I have more free time than I think I have ever had before, but I still have a decent standard of living on the salary and money I make. This is an amazing thing and not something I am used to. I try hard to make use of this free time to study, build up my company and execute any other ideas I have. One step at a time, I keep telling myself. Just keep building things up.
I made a Goal Map recently. Based on the concept of Mind Maps that I read about recently. According to Mind Maps, our brains don't function like lists. It works more by association and networking of concepts. So rather than make a list of goals, which I seem to never concretely make or execute, I drew a picture. In the center I wrote Happiness and wrote all the things that make or allow me to be happy branching from that. Happiness seems to be the ultimate goal, and all the things that make me happy should be where I put my efforts. I have to admit the picture has stayed in my mind and given me more focus than before.
Last week was a kind of golden week. A combination of two holidays: the National Day holiday and Moon festival. I got the week off along with most workers and students in China. I should discuss the National Day holiday, but I really do not know what it is about. The Chinese Cultural History class I took in college only went as far as the late 1800's, so even today, I am still unclear about the many holidays and events in the New China.
The Moon Festival reminds me of Thanksgiving in the States. Its centers around the Autumn Equinox and Chinese Lunar calendar, when the moon is full and at its brightest. It's also a time for families to come together and eat lots of food. Especially sweets called Yuebing, or Mooncakes in English. I hear they come in all shapes, sizes and flavors, but I have yet to eat a Mooncake that I really liked. They remind me of how much I like Christmas fruit cakes. I wish Dairy Queen would come up with an Ice Cream Mooncake, that might win me over. There are Dairy Queen's in China. They are also usually cleaner and better looking than their American counterparts.
I spent the vacation doing an assortment of things. I proofread a 27,000 word Powerpoint presentation on next generation mobile phone technology for a translation company. That was following a 30,000 word proofreading assignment from the week before. It took me about two days and a half days to complete just one of them. But I was happy to do them as its money in my pocket.
I spent another day going to all the English language book stores in Beijing. I just wanted some books that I could read and improve myself. I bought "The Story of Philosophy" by Will Durant. I really like Durant's writing style and Philosophy has captured my attention the past couple of years. I also bought a text on College Algebra. That is a subject I have fought with for years and years. In some ways, my weakness in Math has held me back from doing some things I could have (i.e opportunities and careers) and put limits on my knowledge and learning. So, I bought the book in the hopes that I can study the topic on my own at my own pace and maybe make some breakthroughs. Finally, a small book called "Everyday Science". Its almost like reading a book for kids. Its about science in our everyday lives. How things work, from light to sound to heat and temperature, TVs radios, Air Conditioners, light bulbs and solar panels etc. I just want to know.
In the U.S., I always thought my income was not too shabby, but the cost of living was high compared to my income. Here is China, my income and cost of living gap is much bigger.
I have more free time than I think I have ever had before, but I still have a decent standard of living on the salary and money I make. This is an amazing thing and not something I am used to. I try hard to make use of this free time to study, build up my company and execute any other ideas I have. One step at a time, I keep telling myself. Just keep building things up.

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