Posted by & filed under 爱情, 音频.



我爱的人去年告诉我”If you do good things, good things will happen”, 意思大概是如果你做好事,好事会出来(也许这个翻译不太正确)。我必须尽力继续做good things。


18 Responses to “自信”

  1. Judy

    i read your blog in a long time. but i did not write anything before. Actually, i envy you. at least the girl you loved, who knows you are loving her, i also have one,whom i loved very much, but he even does not know anything about it. sigh!

  2. Judy

    I don’t want to tell him that i like or love him, i just want to see or appreciate him, that’s enough for me, due to we are in the different level. he is so excellent, smart and outstanding, i am only a so so oen. ^^ but i don’t care. I already put him as a target(which is not the marriage target, just study or work target or career target) to make great efforts to. I do hope one day i could make my dreams(which related my work and study) come true, also that outstanding. ^^

    Judy cheer up !

  3. 壹小碗

    “If you do good things, good things will happen”是不是可以翻译为善有善报呢?

  4. Abbie

    在会发生在双方都热爱与相信自己as much as(or at least nearly as much as)热爱和相信对方的前提下的婚姻才会稳定与美好吧。
    我觉得自信来自独立的经济能力与思考能力,以及不断地信息获取、加工与自我表达,包括语言的表达和行动的表达(就像你说的做good things)。

  5. 力马克

    叫I’ll be back 歌手Shawn Colvin, 原来的歌曲作者是 John Lennon, Paul McCartney

  6. langmei


  7. 西安陈

    If you do good things, good things will happen的意思,我理解是“好人有好报”

  8. 若水思源


  9. Dimitry Yang

    Hi, Mark. This is the first time viewing your Blog. But I like it. And I like the song also. John Lennon is one of my favourite singer, but this version by Shawn Colvin is also pleasant to hear.
    Be confidence, maybe some people think that is based on good economic strength, Praise from others, or thought being above other after comparisions. But I think our confidences should come from responsibility, kind-hearted, love and good judgement.
    1. Responsibility: It should let you insist on doing something which you thought it was right or ought to do.
    2. kind-hearted. It is somelike “If you do good things, good things will happen”.
    3. Love. Love is the source of confidence. If you have love, you will have full of power.
    4. Good Judgement. I think this is the ability of yourself. Reading books, raise your ability. Just let yourself more powerful.

    Cheer UP~!

  10. shinichi


  11. hope
