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我最近发现每天学习10个生词很难. 也许我不能做. 可是我还很想学习中文. 怎么办?
反正我昨天晚上去人民大学的英语角发布我的名卡. 我希望更多人会来看看我设立的论坛. 最近来看/发贴的人少了. 地震的影响真不好. 我必须再加油提倡网站推人来. 我最近在网站上加了很多新东西和网页了. 我以后给大家解释. 可是特别有意思的是 Mark.Online 用这个, 大家就可以联系我 Live.
今天我只吃了中午饭. 我一直在网上工作, 忘记吃饭了. 明天肯定去吃.

Posted by & filed under 学习.

我每天早上起床做运动越来越难。 我起床的时候已经感觉很累。可是我发现开始做以后身体比较有活力,力量。 我跑步的速度也越来越快。 我做完运动以后没有很累得感觉了。我觉得一定这个习惯对我比较好。 每天学习中文的生词的速度比较快了, 可是找到我没看到的词汇越来越难。 我觉得我最好去图书馆,书店买一些词汇书。
好像网络的速度越来越好。台湾地震破坏全部的海底光缆的时候, 我完全不能看海外网站, 更不必说看自己的网站。十二月底,来看网站的人越来越多, 特别参加论坛的人多了。 所以突然上不了网站真影响我, 让我很伤心了。 
我前天去过一个聚会。 我朋友的朋友联系我说有聚会,要不要参加。他们说会做手做的饭。听起来很好玩。 我就去了。 我们都一起做了很多饭, 然后吃了很多。最后大家一起玩游戏叫 杀人。 我发现这个游戏很好玩。

Posted by & filed under GetPowers 网站.

Q: Where are you from? 你来自哪个国家?

I am from the USA. Specifically, Phoenix, Arizona. Home of the Phoenix Suns Basketball Team! 我是从美国来的。具体说,菲尼克斯(美国亚利桑纳州城市、首府,位于该州中南部盐河北岸)我最喜欢太阳队的篮球队!

Q: Have long have you been to China? 你在中国多久了?

I first arrived in China on May 27th, 2005. And I am still here! So you can calculate how long from that date. 我2005年5月27号第一次来到中国。我还在这里。你那样能估算时间。

Mark in Gong Fu Action StanceQ: Where have you been to in China? 你去过中国哪里?

Datong, Pingyao, Taiyuan, Xian, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang, Dengfeng, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Xianggang, and Beijing! 大同,平遥,太原,西安,郑州,开封。洛阳,登封,南京,苏州,杭州,上海,香港,和北京!

Q: Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中国菜吗?

Yes, Chinese food is good, sometimes a little too oily though. My favorite dish is xiaocongban-doufu. 我很喜欢中国菜,但是有时油太多。我最喜欢吃小葱拌豆腐。

Q: Why did you come to China? 为什么来中国呢?

First I was attracted to China because its history and culture seemed so mysterious and beautiful. I was also interested in how Chinese people think, philosophically speaking, because they seem very different from Americans. Later, I saw how China has opened up and started to develop economically. It seemed China was a very exciting place to be and that attracted me even more. So finally I decided I had to go! (我太懒,还没有翻译)

Q: How long will you be in China? 你打算在中国会留在多久?

I think I will stay in China at least 3 years. After that I don’t know. I miss Hawaii and the ocean so maybe I can go back there someday. 起码3年, 但是我还很想念夏威夷….

Q: Don’t you miss your family? Won’t you go back to see them? 你想你家人吗?

Of course I miss them! I miss them alot! Once I have the financial resources and time, I plan on going back to visit them for sure.

Q: What do you think of China? 你对中国有什么看法?
Of course I like China, otherwise I wouldn’t be here! The best thing about China is the Chinese people. In general, I like how I have met so many passionate and friendly people. Though I may disagree with some people sometimes, I appreciate that many people have strong views and beliefs. I am a little disappointed with how people throw their trash on the street, but I believe that it will get better with everyone’s effort. Actually, I have seen Americans litter too, but not as much. I do feel pretty safe in China as far as crime, but I do have to be careful about not paying too much when I go shopping. (你读这个网站就会知道)

Mark in another exciting Gong Fu Action Stance Q: Do you like Chinese girls? 你喜欢中国女孩吗?

Yes, of course. Everyday I see lots of beautiful Chinese girls, without a doubt. In general, I like girls who have long hair, nice skin, a healthy figure, and are affectionate. (还好吧)

Q: How long have you studied Chinese? 你学中文多久了?

I studied Chinese for two and a half years in the US. I took courses on the Chinese Language, Chinese Literature in Translation, Chinese Cultural History, Buddhism, and a special course on Lu Xun. (在美国两年半以后来中国开始学习了)

Q: Do you work? 你工作吗?

Currently, I teach English part time (only 12 hours a week!). I have my own business, mainly doing proofreading right now. I hope in the future to do more business online, international trade and finance. I am currently doing my best to uncover good opportunities that seem interesting and that I can throw my energy into. The reason I enjoy working for myself is because I got sick of working for others and no development. One of the great things I have experienced when coming to China, has been being able to work for myself, being my own boss, and having a feeling that I am growing and developing something special. (有教英文的兼职, 和校对英语文件)

哈哈,我在《女友》的杂志出来了! 在这里看看




Posted by & filed under 学习.

从昨天掀起下雪了. 我去外头拍了一些照片. 我最近试试让我做新的习惯. 我先做运动. 这个需要一个小时左右. 然后我开始学习中文. 为了做每天的生词表, 需要一个小时多. 然后我想学习一点数学. 这是我的缺乏, 所以我很想加强我这部分. 我最后开始做自己的公司的事. 我不知道我能不能有那么强的意志一直一年这样做. 可是我觉得每天加油做一些事, 比不做任何的事好得多.








Posted by & filed under 力马克, 零七八碎.

我昨天很难过. 一直看不了我喜欢的网站. 我先以为我的电脑有问题. 两个小时试试改修我的电脑. 还不能看自己的网站等等. 然后我以为我还没付网费, 所以我去中国电信付钱. 可是他们说我付费没问题, 一点也不晚. 然后我回家看到我妈妈发给我的电信说在台湾发生地震. 妈妈想知道我以前的女朋友(台湾人)和家人好不好. 我查中国的网站才明白了, 地震影响海底的管, 海外网站都看不了. 亚洲的网站都被损. 我以前女朋友练习我妈妈说她和家人大家都没发生问题, 都很好, 感谢妈妈的关心.
我今天有点无聊的感觉. 我早上做好运动以后, 还上不了我的网站. 我去附近的餐厅吃了炒饭和小葱拌豆腐. 然后去附近的物美超市买了吃的东西. 我最近校对的工作少了, 所以我感觉到了不要用太多钱. 要好好省一些. 我也决心明年要少吃肉. 所以买了更多的水果,面包等. 可是蔬菜不够. 我下次要买更多的蔬菜.
明年开始之前要做一个”每天时间表”. 我太容易浪费时间了. 我每天没有正常的工作, 我很容易浪费时间上网. 我将来做好运动以后必须开始学习和网站的工作. 可是要做得认真. 我希望让我的学习和工作会有更大的结果. 需要用时间用得更有效又效率.