Posted by & filed under 健康, 中国菜, 视频, 日常生活.

很多人问我,你能做饭吗?其实我能做,但是我做的东西不是很普通的。我有特别的做法。我也很注意材料是不是对健康好。我今天给大家看看我做什么菜。因为我做的东西没有普通的人知道它的名字,我就叫它 “得到力量餐”。我觉得如果你经常吃”得到力量餐”,会让你的身体更健康!

26 Responses to “美国人给你看怎么做健康的 “得到力量餐””

  1. Dylan

    haha…it is not bad for a foreiner to cook chinese food.
    now that u live 上海now ,maybe u should taste some chinese traditional food.
    im enter here frist.
    have a good time in china

  2. Dylan

    in fact ,im so glad to see more and more foreiner learn chinese. so,i think i will pay attention to u.
    广东province ,high school student

  3. shanguisasa

    That looks great ,the healthy meal is what I supose to cook .I think I will try it.
    by the way,In this video you didn’t pour the blend oil into the pan,how to avoid sticky?If I keep stiring the food ,may be the food won’t be sticked.

  4. 力马克


    你做 “得到力量餐” 的时候,要用一点油,我推荐用 橄榄油,对身体比较好

  5. shanguisasa

    Thank you!

    I’ve heard that there are two kinds of olive oil:Virgin Olive Oil
    and Refined Olive Oil.Which one is better?

    Some TV commercial showed a special pan that can keep food avoid sticky without oil ,but I doubt that the material of the pan may contains toxin
    ,what do you think about the invention?

  6. 力马克

    我总是用的是Virgin Olive Oil。我在家乐福买了锅,觉得质量很不错。用一点点的油,没问题。不用太多油就好了

  7. shanguisasa

    I will go to USA or United Kindom this year for my further study,so I’d better know how to cook the meal both healthy and convinient. Thank you for your share.

  8. Melissa


  9. bb


  10. 力马克

    我的中国朋友帮助我拍视频, 这次自拍太难.
    我也看得到力量餐, 我也要再做, 再吃

  11. shirly

    我想应该先放鸡蛋会更好一点,不过看起来真是色香味俱全啊…… 呵呵~~ 应该挺好吃。 下次回家我也试试但不是为了对肌肉好!!我真希望自己没有肌肉。。。 呵呵~~

  12. claire


  13. langmei


  14. ella

    Are you sure it’s delicious?
    I cant believe that.
    But it’s really very nutrition.
    I know why you look thinner than before.

  15. 毛薇薇


  16. 力马克

    不管我在美国,中国,什么国家,我都这样做反…. 谢谢你的问题 :)

  17. hope


  18. 稀饭

    额,mark 我觉得这个很好,营养,健康,简单!