To me, one of the most essential keys to a long happy life is education. Education comes in different ways including formal and informal. Formal education is like going to school, reading textbooks, doing homework, and learning with professors. Informal education includes life experience and learning with your family. Both are important and have a place in your life. I actually want to study and learn with you too. Recently we’ve been learning a lot together, reading books, looking a pictures, and watching videos about Space, stars and planets. I think we have both have had a lot of fun. That is also important, the simple enjoyment of learning. However, even if learning is not always fun, it doesn’t make the lesson or knowledge any less important. I often hear people say things they learned in school often was useless later in life. I beg to disagree, I have thought every bit if knowledge large or small can help you. Sometimes, a bit of knowledge becomes useful when you didn’t expect it to be. But also take care not to hurt others, I use the Golden Rule as my moral guide. Do unto others as you would have then do unto to you. Basically, treat other as you would like to be treated.
Additionally, knowledge that could be used that just sits on the shelf, or knowledge without the courage to use it is impotent.
It’s what you do with that knowledge that counts. Learning to make key distinctions, and getting the knowledge that is necessary to do whatever it is that you want to do.