Monthly Archives: January 2015

You are 2 years old only once

We went to see Zoolights a few weeks ago and on our way, you saw a sign that said “ZOO”, and you said “Zoo”! I was impressed because you have started to read! You know your ABCs pretty well, both lower and uppercase, and you’ve stated learning how to say them phonetically as well. Like the other day, you used ABC magnets on the refrigerator to write out CAR!

Emotionally you’ve grown up a lot recently. First you are very aware, more than before. You’ve started to get used to living in the USA and the environment here. Also, you showed your mommy and I how you have a big heart. A few weeks ago, mommy was upset with daddy, and probably rightfully so. She also was getting homesick and was sitting in the garage crying by herself and wanted to go back to her home country. You ran over to her and did your absolute best to cheer her up and bring her back inside the house. You lifted her chin and said “Happy!” and you pulled on her arms. You tried so hard and when she still didn’t budge you cried genuine tears of concern and grief. Your mommy really saw how much her cared and tried and she finally relented and came back in the house and made you feel better too. I was so amazed what you did, for a 2 year old boy to show much love and effort, I won’t ever forget.

You love to play with trains. You often say “Toys R Us”, because they have the Thomas train set and table and you could sit there for hours and play. We are going to try to get you some kind of train set this weekend.

Last night we talked about under, on, above, and next to. You were trying so hard to say “The train is on the table”. You were struggling and giving so much effort, you made me very proud.

One thing we also do is sing and play games while driving in the truck. I ask you something like “How do you say car in Chinese?” and you say “qiche!” You’ve turned into a little living dictionary. I think its important for you to learn Chinese and English, so I will continue working to help you learn.

We need to get you into a preschool pretty soon. I think it will good for you to make some friends your own age. You seem ready for it. Your very nice to other kids at the park, you often say “Hi” in a very nice way when you meet other kids.

You had fun at Christmas time. We planned to open Santa’s presents on Christmas morning, but you were so happy opening the presents on Christmas Eve, we just did it then. At first you didn’t get what you were supposed to do, but after you opened the first present, you were ready to open the next one and next one! You got some games, Play-doh, viewmaster with space pictures, a firetruck, some ABC books, and toy blocks.

Today, you and mommy went with Grandma to a friends house and picked oranges and grapefruits, like two bags of them! I heard you had a lot of fun 🙂